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MLflow Tracking

Default MLflow Tracking in Sapsan

Starting MLflow Server

mlflow ui server will automatically start locally if a designated port is open. If not, Sapsan assumes the mLflow ui server is already running on that local port and will direct mlflow to write to it. Also you can start mlflow ui manually via:

mlflow ui --host localhost --port 5000


By default, Sapsan will keep the following structure in MLflow:

  • Train 1
    • Evaluate 1
    • Evaluate 2
  • Train 2
    • Evaluate 1
    • Evaluate 2

where all evaluation runs are nested under the trained run entry. This way all evaluations are grouped together under the model that was just trained.

Every Train checks for other active runs, terminates them, and starts a new run. At the end of the Train method, the run does not terminate, awaiting Evaluate runs to be nested under it. Thus, Evaluate runs start and end at the end of the method. However, one can still add extra metrics, artifacts and etc by resuming the previously closed run and writing to it, as discussed in the later section.

Tracked Parameters

Evaluation runs include the training model parameters and metrics to make it easier to parse through. Here is a complete list of what is tracked by default after running Train or Evaluate loop.

Parameter Train Evaluate
Everything passed to ModelConfig() (including new parameters passed to kwargs)
model - {parameter} - device, logdir, lr, min_delta, min_lr, n_epochs, patience
data - {parameter} - features, features_label, target, target_label, axis, path, path, shuffle
chkpnt - {parameter} - initial_size, sample to size, batch_size, batch_num, time, time_granularity

Since Train metrics are recorded for Evaluate runs, they are prefixed as train - {metric}. Subsequently, all Evaluate metrics are written as eval - {metric}

Metrics Train Evaluate
eval - MSE Loss - Mean Squared Error (if the target is provided)
eval - KS Stat - Kolmogorov-Smirnov Statistic (if the target is provided)
train - final epoch - final training epoch
All model metrics model.metrics() (provided by Catalyst and PyTorch)
**Artifacts ** Train Evaluate
model_details.txt - model layer init & optimizer settings
model_forward.txt - Model.forward() function
runtime_log.html - loss vs. epoch training progress
pdf_cdf.png - Probability Density Function (PDF) & Cummulative Distribution Function (CDF) plots
slices_plot.png - 2D Spatial Distribution (slice snapshots)

Adding extra parameters

Before Training

In order to add a new_parameter to be tracked with MLflow per your run, simply pass it to config as such: ModelConfig(new_parameter=value).

Since it will be initialized under ModelConfig().kwargs['new_parameter'], the parameter name can be anything. You will see it in MLflow recorded as model - new_parameter.

Internally, everything in ModelConfig().parameters gets recorded to MLflow. By default, all ModelConfig() variables, including kwargs are passed to it. Here is the implementation from the CNN3d estimator.

class CNN3dConfig(EstimatorConfig):
    def __init__(self,
                 n_epochs: int = 1,
                 patience: int = 10,
                 min_delta: float = 1e-5,
                 logdir: str = "./logs/",
                 lr: float = 1e-3,
                 min_lr = None,
                 *args, **kwargs):
        self.n_epochs = n_epochs
        self.logdir = logdir
        self.patience = patience
        self.min_delta = min_delta = lr
        if min_lr==None: self.min_lr = lr*1e-2
        else: self.min_lr = min_lr
        self.kwargs = kwargs

        #everything in self.parameters will get recorded by MLflow
        #by default, all 'self' variables will get recorded
        self.parameters = {f'model - {k}': v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k != 'kwargs'}
        if bool(self.kwargs): self.parameters.update({f'model - {k}': v for k, v in self.kwargs.items()})

Note: MLflow doesn't like labels that contain / symbol. Please avoid or you might encounter an error.

After Training or Evaluation

If you want to perform some extra analysis on your model or predictions and record additional metrics after you have called or, Sapsan has an interface to do so in 3 steps:

  1. Resume MLflow run
  2. Since MLflow run is closed at the end of, it will need to be resumed first before attempting to write to it. For that reason, both Train and Evaluate classes have a parameter run_id which contains the MLflow run_id. You can use it to resume the run, and record new metrics.

  3. Record new parameters

  4. To add extra parameters to the most recent Train or Evaluate entry in MLflow, simply use either the backend() interface or the standard MLflow interface.

  5. End the run

  6. In order to keep MLflow tidy, it is advised to call backend.end() after you are done.

eval = Evaluate(...)
cubes =

#do something with the prediction and/or target cube
new_metric = np.amax(cubes['pred_cube'] / cubes['target_cube'])

backend.resume(run_id = eval.run_id)
backend.log_metric('new_metric', new_metric) #or use backend.log_parameter() or backend.log_artifact()
Feel free to review the full API Reference: Backend (Tracking) for the full description of MLflow-related functions built into Sapsan.